A Mind-Blowing Moment

“Turkish… towel… bath… coffee… passport. May I see your passport please??” OK. Now my mind is officially blown… I’m in Owensboro, KY with the indomitable Lee Goldberg Max Allan Collins, Raymond Benson and more, and saw ENCORE FOR MURDER last night, the play Max wrote (It’s a witty Mike Hammer story, btw. Originally written by … Read more

Desperate Housewives — The End?

This blog is also posted on http://mediamania.blog.com/ a new blog that will hopefully engage you in lots of different ways. I encourage you to visit. Afghanistan is on edge… Iran is heating up… and Rush Limbaugh keeps making crazy statements. I say it’s time to go where there are real issues to contend with: the … Read more

Just for Fun…

This has been on my computer for a long time — a friend sent it to me years ago. But since we’ve been talking about bookstores, I thought I’d share. Confucius say, If you are in a book store and cannot find The book for which you search, you are obviously in the..