A Photo Diary of the UK: Edinburgh

As some of you know, I just returned from 10 days in the UK. It was a spur of the moment trip (well, as spur of the moment as you can be and still get a reasonable flight), but it turned out to be one of the most relaxed, fun trips I can ever remember, so I thought I’d share some of my photos in a chronological picture diary.


First up is Edinburgh, Scotland. (Btw, comments and captions are welcome!)

Looking up the street towards Edinburgh Castle

 The Tardis has landed.


 The Castle.. one of two I visited…          The Big Gun


On High Street        They do love their pigs…er… boars


 Everyone needs a scone with clotted cream…   and a man in a kilt…


And a Yacht, especially if it belongs to the Royal Family and is named Brittania…


 Zoe Sharp preparing to take the helm….   Or maybe not.


Dinner for 45, James. At 7 o’clock sharp, please.  But first we’ll have drinks in the salon.



And looking ahead to the next part of my journey, the Scots do love a good read….