If It’s Wednesday, it must be Stirling

Well, really, it was last weekend, but who’s keeping score? On Saturday I drove from Edinburgh over to Stirling where my partner in crime, Author Zoe Sharp, and I spent the day (and night) carousing with writers mostly from Scotland. I met some folks with whom I’d been corresponding, and even more with whom I hadn’t. Funny, even though we’d all just met, I felt right at home. I guess all writers have the same issues.

Caro Ramsay and Zoe Sharp in the Green Room


Pat McIntosh who writes historicals and urged me to go to Stirling Castle (Great suggestion, it turned out!) Check out her purple doo…


 Zoe, me, and Nigel Bird, whom I’d been corresponding with.


Dinner at an Italian restaurant in Stirling: Al Guthrie, Russell MacLean, Tony Black, Zoe, and more


On Sunday I went to Stirling Castle and took the tour. It was marvelous. Everything you could ever want in a royal castle. And it’s all been renovated.


   Outside the Portcullis… (God… haven’t used that word since high school!)

 In the royal chapel. I’m sitting in the King’s chair, of course…

The Unicorn… an important  symbol for the Scottish Royal family.

       The kitchens… more boars…


   The gardens… and the wardrobe…


Tomorrow, on to Cumbria and the Lake District!

PS. A few more pictures from Stirling Castle. Thanks, Geri, for reminding me!

    The view from the castle


  The Queen’s bedchamber and sitting room (Marie of Guise, Mary Queen of Scot’s Mother)


  Detail from the ceilings of the King’s Receiving room