Facebook Fan Page Turkey Trot: For Free books!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Now that the turkey is in the oven, or you’re drowsy from all that tryptophan, it’s time to wake up and smell the fun! And the chance to download a FREE copy of ToxiCity!

Maybe you’ve heard of a blog hop? Well I’m participating in something similar which we’re calling the First Ever Fan Page Turkey Trot! You’ll discover some great new FB fan pages to like and win some prizes as well. Each fan page has to do with books and reading, and is linked to other fan pages, so the idea is to trot your way through Facebook — stopping each time you find the turkey.

When you start your trot you will be directed to a fan page. Take a look around, see what interests you. Then go to the photo albums and click through until you spot the turkey. (See the image on the right) Once you find him, you’ll know what to do next.*

Don’t worry if you get lost, you can come back here and get this link http://vmaarten.blogspot.com/2011/11/hop-tours-express.html which lists all the fanpages .

*Some pages will give you an instant code for a free download of a book while others will direct you to enter into a drawing.

To begin all you have to do is click right here.

Happy Trotting!