Goodreads Giveaway: Inocencia Fácil

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Inocencia Facil by Libby Fischer Hellmann

Inocencia Facil

by Libby Fischer Hellmann

Giveaway ends February 09, 2013.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

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If you like to read in Spanish, I’m hosting a free book giveaway of Inocencia Fácil, the Spanish translation of EASY INNOCENCE. If you don’t read in Spanish but know any readers who do, would you please let them know? Thanks.


Giveaway Dates: Tuesday, Feb. 5- Saturday, Feb. 9, 2013


Here’s the description of the novel, both in English and Spanish.


When pretty, smart Sara Long is found bludgeoned to death, it’s easy to blame the man with the bat. But Georgia Davis — former cop and newly-minted PI — is hired to look into the incident at the behest of the accused’s sister, and what she finds hints at a much different, much darker answer. It seems the privileged, preppy schoolgirls on Chicago’s North Shore have learned just how much their innocence is worth to hot-under-the-collar businessmen. But while these girls can pay for Prada pricetags, they don’t realize that their new business venture may end up costing them more than they can afford.

Cuando encuentran a la bella e inteligente Sara Long apaleada a muerte, es facil inculpar al hombre con el bate. Pero Georgia Davis, expolicia y recientemente convertida en investigadora privada, es contratada para indagar el incidente por peticion de la hermana del acusado, y lo que ella encuentra hace alusion a una respuesta diferente y mucho mas sombria. Al parecer, las privilegiadas estudiantes del secundaria en la Costa Norte de Chicago han aprendido cuanto vale su inocencia ante los hombres de negocios en busca de excitacion sexual. Sin embargo, mientras estas chicas pueden permitirse el lujo de pagar precios de Prada, no se dan cuenta que su nuevo emprendimiento puede terminar de costarles mas de lo que pueden pagar.