Hi all. The holidays have started in earnest, and I’ve got all sorts of gifts for you this month. Btw, when I say you, I mean YOU, my reader friends. These aren’t for anyone else (unless you want to give them away)… they’re meant to tide you over when you’re shopping, cooking, partying, and generally doing too much too often! You deserve a quiet hour or two just to escape, refuel, and refresh with some wonderful reads.
So.. the extravaganza will unfold in THREE parts. Today, December 1, is PART ONE. I’ll post PART TWO AND THREE within a couple of days. Ready? Here we go.
Holiday Hamper
I love the word “hamper.” We Americans usually talk about dirty laundry when we mention hamper, but for our cousins across the pond, a hamper is a basket, and this basket is full of ebooks (Including two of mine) that you can win.
Take a look at all of these books… you could win them all simply by signing up for the give-away here. There will only be a few winners. Btw, when you look closely, you’ll see JUMP CUT, my most recent Ellie Foreman thriller, is among the mix. More about that later. Just know that I’ve discounted the price. A lot.
Wait…there’s MORE!
Don’t want to wait to see if you win? Some of the authors, including me, are GIVING away ebooks. Right now. FREE! All you have to do is click here and check out the “20 Free Books to Download.” I’m giving away my very 1st Ellie Foreman thriller, AN EYE FOR MURDER, and I’d love you to take me up on my offer. I hope it will be the beginning of a “beautiful friendship.”
So that’s Gift Giveaway Extravaganza #1. Come on in! And check back in 2 or 3 days when the next gifts will be offered.