Writing Lite Tip 48: Use characters’ actions instead of dialogue tags

Writing Lite Tip 48 - Use characters' actions instead of dialogue tags.

You already know you don’t need dialogue tags other than “he/she said” or, occasionally, “he/she asked.” Often, however, you don’t need a tag at all, if you couple it with a character’s action. That action, BTW, will tell you more about a character’s frame of mind than a bunch of words. Examples: Ellie ran a … Read more

Writing Lite Tip 46: Write backstories for major characters

Writing Lite Tip 46: Write backstories for your major characters. You'll be surprised what you learn.

I talk about character backstories and how to write them here. Basically, I believe they’re the best way to get to know your characters and what motivates them. How passionate or emotional they are. What their style of interacting is. The lengths they’ll go to to achieve their goals. A backstory will help you create … Read more

Writing Lite #5 — Character Backstories

Writing Lite Video Series

I’m baaack.. with another Writing Lite segment. This time I’m starting a series on character development and how to do it. Today I talk about my favorite technique — writing character backstories. They only have to be a couple of single spaced pages, but they accomplish so much. What do you think?