Your Favorite First Line

You crack open a new book or click on the first page of an ebook. You’re greeted by that all-important first line. Does it make your heart sink or soar? As every author knows, that first sentence gives you the opportunity to hook your readers. Provided you’ve crafted the sentence the reader knows something is … Read more

Writing Lite Tip 14: Don’t have your characters say “yes” or “no.” Elaborate.

Writing Lite Tip 14: Don't have your characters say "yes" or "no." Elaborate.

In most instances, it’s a waste of words (and boring as hell) to have a character reply with “yes” or “no.” Instead, have them explain their reaction. Example: “Did you have a good evening with Bill?” “Yes.” “Did you have a good evening with Bill?” “It was spectacular. He took me to the top of … Read more

Writing Lite Tip #9: You CAN be ungrammatical in dialogue. Never in narrative.

You CAN be ungrammatical in dialogue. Never in narrative.

People don’t speak with perfect grammar (except for your fourth grade teacher). So feel free to make your dialogue as colloquial as the character’s education and background dictates. Narrative, however, should always follow the rules.  You might wonder whether that includes a character’s thought process (ie his/her internalizing or thinking, but not dialogue). The answer … Read more