English Bookstore in Havana: How You Can Help

As you know, I’ve been talking about Calle Libro, the first English language bookstore that’s opened in Havana since the revolution. While they’re wildly popular, like many businesses in Cuba, they do not have the funds to buy books. So, for those of you who want to help, whether you’re planning a trip yourself or … Read more

The Cuba Files: Book publishing in Cuba

Cuba’s book selling world is almost wholly state-controlled. And politics sells the best, no surprise when the government controls the books available. Take 100 Hours with Fidel, an incredibly lengthy interview with Fidel Castro. Or Che Guevara’s Bolivian diary, another big seller. If you live in Cuba and want to broaden your reading, you face … Read more

The Cuba Files: Cuba’s Special Period

I call it the “Depression Nobody Knows About” — at least here in the U.S. Cuba suffered a severe depression in the early Nineties that makes our “Great Recession” look like a walk in the park. Some say the Cuban economy still hasn’t recovered, and there is some truth to that. Today I talk about … Read more

“The Cuba Files: Che Guevara”

ChefishingAs I’ve been out and about talking about Havana Lost, it’s struck me how little people really know about Cuba. As a result, I thought it might be a good idea to write a few blog posts about the island. I’m not an expert, but I have read a lot about Cuba’s history, culture, and I spent ten days there. If you haven’t read Havana Lost yet, perhaps these posts will give you some background that will make the book more enjoyable. So, welcome to “The Cuba Files.”

A short history of Che Guevara

For the first “Cuba File,” I’m taking a quick look at Ernesto Che Guevara, the man who personifies Cuba for many people, and a true legend, especially for the Radical Left during the late Sixties.

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Inside Havana Lost

I’m so pleased to present my first “Glossi.” A Glossi is a short online magazine that you can create (free) about a subject. I did mine, of course, as a short virtual tour of Cuba, using excerpts from HAVANA LOST. Enjoy! Click to view Havana Lost on GLOSSI.COM  

An Interview with Libby – On Havana Lost and a Writer’s Life

Havana Lost

Well, that’s it. My latest novel, Havana Lost, is finally out in the wild, being read by a bunch of fans who have downloaded the Advance Reader Copy. I’ve already been asked a whole load of questions about the writing process, the book, the characters and Cuba itself. Here are my answers. What attracted you … Read more

A Goodreads Giveaway is Coming

Just wanted you to know that I’m giving away 3 bound galleys of HAVANA LOST on Goodreads starting June 1 and going through June 15. If you’re interested, here’s more info: Goodreads Book Giveaway HAVANA LOST by Libby Fischer Hellmann Giveaway ends June 15, 2013. See the giveaway details at Goodreads. Enter to win   … Read more

Which Cover?

Here are two cover versions for my upcoming thriller HAVANA LOST. On has pure white type; the other has blood on the word “Lost”… Which do you like better? I’ll raffle off a PDF to everyone who weighs in… And thanks. Oh… here’s the jacket copy, if it helps: On the eve of the Cuban … Read more