Publishing in Cuba: Baby Steps

“We have made new friends, fostered business relationships, have fantastic memories, and were a part of history that will forever be a chapter in the publishing industry.” World Book International director Kristin Norell on the Havana Book Fair. Cuba’s publishing scene in 2012 I visited Cuba in February, 2012, and went to the Havana Book … Read more

Karma, Cuba, and Audio

Researching Cuba for Havana Lost

  A couple of weeks ago I brought up the concept of karma, in relation to a colleague who helped me a lot in the early stages of my career. Now it’s come up again, this time regarding Cuba, a place close to my heart. I can’t tell you how thrilled I am that the … Read more

¡La Habana Perdida — Ahora, El Audio!

Un thriller en gran parte ambientado en Cuba, que se extiende por tres generaciones de la misma familia. ¡Mas de 200 comentarios in inglés!  Ahora disponible en audio. En vísperas de la Revolución Cubana, la testaruda Francesca Pacelli, de 18 años de edad, huye de su despiadado padre, un Jefe de la Mafia en La … Read more

La Habana Perdida

I’m very excited to announce that the Spanish translation of Havana Lost will be released May 1. In honor of the release, I’m giving away 2 print copies via Goodreads. You’ll find everything you need to know below. I hope you’ll enter! Goodreads Book Giveaway La Habana Perdida by Libby Fischer Hellmann Giveaway ends May … Read more

The Cuba Files: Tourism in Cuba (Redux)

Today, more than three million tourists visit Cuba every year –except for Americans, of course, although that’s bound to change. And soon. In fact, tourism is the country’s #1 source of revenue. People are drawn by Cuba’s climate, beaches, attractive prices, and remarkable history. It wasn’t always this way. Poor post-revolution relations After the revolution, … Read more

The Cuba Files #2 Redux: Santería

If you have read Havana Lost you’ll have noticed the way I’ve woven the Santería religion through the plot. A potent mix of European Catholicism and African Voodoo, it is a constant backdrop to the Cuban psyche. My character Carla Garcia believes in it more than any of the other characters in the book, not … Read more

Why Short Stories Rock (& A little BSP)

Over the past few years, I’ve written a couple of blogs about short stories and how valuable they are for a writer. One of them, in particular, has been circulated quite a bit. If you haven’t already read it, maybe now’s a good time. Then come back because what I’m going to say will be more … Read more

Thoughts on the JFK Assassination– Was Cuba Involved?

I offer some thoughts about the assassination and whether Fidel Castro was involved. The answer is a resounding “No.” In fact, did you know he testified to the Warren Commission? William Colelman, who was on the commission, flew down to Cuba and they talked on a yacht off Havana Bay. Anyway, that and much more … Read more

The Cuba Files: Santería

If you have read Havana Lost you’ll have noticed the way I’ve woven the Santería religion through the plot. A potent mix of European Catholicism and African Voodoo, it is a constant backdrop to the Cuban psyche. My character Carla Garcia believes in it more than any of the other characters in the book, not … Read more