Why Historicals?

Libby Hellmann Historical Novels

It’s all Miss Lear’s fault. Linda Lear was my history teacher when I was a senior in high school. I was in Advanced Placement US history at a small girl’s school in Washington DC, with maybe 15 girls in the class. I had already taken European history as a junior, and I enjoyed it a … Read more

Karma, Cuba, and Audio

Researching Cuba for Havana Lost

  A couple of weeks ago I brought up the concept of karma, in relation to a colleague who helped me a lot in the early stages of my career. Now it’s come up again, this time regarding Cuba, a place close to my heart. I can’t tell you how thrilled I am that the … Read more

Si usted lee en Español…

Aclamada novela de suspenso de la mafia cubana ahora publicada en español La novela premiada de la autora más vendida de novelas de detectives, Havana Lost, ambientada en Cuba durante la revolución y el Período especial treinta años más tarde, ahora está disponible en español. La Habana perdida será publicada el 1 de abril de … Read more

Sale Havana Lost & Interview Suspense Magazine

Havana Lost

I’I’ll be interviewed on Suspense Magazine’s radio show Saturday morning at Noon Central Time, 10 AM Pacific Time. So, to celebrate, the price of HAVANA LOST is waay down… FROM $3.99 to $.99 cents until Sunday when it goes up to $1.99 (Still a bargain…) Time to grab it! Post script: The interview was a … Read more

Crime Novels: How Dark is Dark?

I’ve been sliding down a slippery slope over the past couple of years. I guess it’s no surprise—‘they’ do say the more crime you write the darker you get.  In my case, I’m afraid they’re right. When I started writing Havana Lost, I knew from the start it was going to have a noir-ish ending. … Read more

Two Cyber-Monday Audiobook Contests

Hi, all. Two Cyber-Monday audiobook contests I want to make sure you know about: I’ve joined 9 other traditionally published authors who’ve now gone indie in this “public service” contest. You can win one of 30+ free audiobooks — in my case, either Havana Lost or An Eye for Murder. Contest goes through December 7th, … Read more

The Cuba Files: Santería

If you have read Havana Lost you’ll have noticed the way I’ve woven the Santería religion through the plot. A potent mix of European Catholicism and African Voodoo, it is a constant backdrop to the Cuban psyche. My character Carla Garcia believes in it more than any of the other characters in the book, not … Read more

Booklist Reviews Havana Lost

Booklist has reviewed HAVANA LOST, and it’s a great review! (Be still my heart). Thank you, thank you… The Cuban Revolution is the rich backdrop for this riveting historical thriller. In the days just prior to the revolution, life in Cuba is difficult. Spies are everywhere. Poverty and hunger are rampant. But for American Francesca … Read more